Do I Need To Warm Up Cat Food? – A Full Explanation





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Robert Taylor

Cats have been supposed to be extremely finicky eaters. To be honest, they just have extremely delicate digestive systems. Many cat foods must be kept in the refrigerator to stay fresh. As a result, you may wonder, do I need to warm up cat food?

Yes. In fact, feeding cold meals to your cat is likely to result in your cat not eating anything. 

Many experts recommend warming the foods because a cat’s natural nature is to seek out warm-blooded prey. Thus, foods should always be at the proper temperature.

Let’s scroll down to learn more about this topic and valuable tips!

You should reheat the food before feeding your cat

Do I Need To Warm Up Cat Food?

Yes, you should do that. Warming cat food is completely safe. Many people will keep pet foods in a cold and dry place that is cooler than the average ambient temperature. 

As a result, this step is required to avoid causing digestive troubles for your cat. When the food is that cold, it doesn’t provide good texture and flavor due to a cat’s innate tendency to seek warm-blooded prey.

Related Post: Can You Freeze Cat Food? Everything You Need To Know

Avoid Sickness

Consuming cold foods can make your cat sick or suffer from diarrhea. This might begin as soon as they eat the meal in their mouth. The cold temperature can cause unpleasant sensations. Biting down on cold food to chew can cause pain if your cat has sensitive teeth.

As a result, many cats who consume cold and wet food devour it quickly without fully chewing it. These larger chunks of food are consumed at an alarming rate, making your cat ill. Some simply feel uneasy for a short time, while others may puke their dinner all over the floor!

More Appetizing

The scent of food becomes intenser with temperature. The increased heat gives the molecules in the food more energy, allowing the odor-causing chemicals to escape into the air more quickly. 

Cats have a strong sense of smell, but having warm foods might urge them to eat every last morsel.

However, a cold meal has a considerably milder odor. This is a terrific benefit for cat owners because they don’t need to smell the scent of fish in their houses! 

However, it can deter cats from eating their food. Why would cats want to consume something that doesn’t smell good?

The heated food gives off more appetizing aroma

How To Warm Up Cat Food


The first method is using a microwave. It’s straightforward and saves time. Yet, you should follow these instructions to ensure the fresh and good flavor:

  • First, put the cat food in a microwave-safe bowl. Metal is extremely harmful in the microwave, so never leave the pet food in the can.
  • Reduce the microwave to the lowest temperature. You don’t want to overheat the product because it will become too hot for your cat to eat.
  • Microwave the cat food for 30 seconds before stirring it. Stirring allows heat to disperse, bringing the portion to the same temperature.
  • Check the temperature of the food with your finger, and repeat the above step as needed. Then place the food in your cats’ bowl and allow them to eat it.

Related Post: Can You Microwave Cat Food? Things to Take Note

Use Hot Water

Hot water is an excellent alternative if your kitchen doesn’t have a handy microwave. It’s also easy to track the temperature of the foods so that you don’t overheat them. Follow the guide to use hot water to warm up the meal for your cats:

  • Bring the kettle to a boil and place a small amount of boiling water in a shallow basin. As you’ll put the can of food inside, make sure the water level is not too high.
  • Remove the cat food from the refrigerator and place it in the basin of water. Let it sit for some minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • The heat will slowly warm the food as it travels through the can. Take it out when the temperature is appropriate, and let your cats eat.

Leave Foods On Your Counter

Finally, leave refrigerated pet foods out on the kitchen counter. The ambient heat will gradually enter the cat food, and the coolness will disappear. 

The advantage of this procedure is that the cat food will never exceed room temperature. So you never have to worry about overheating the meal.

Yet, this method has several downsides. The food will take an hour or longer to reach room temperature. This is not for a busy or forgetful person!

Also, letting wet cat food outside can cause it to spoil. Food should never be left out for more than four hours. Cover it with clingfilm and set it aside to warm up. This will assist in keeping bacteria at bay and keep food fresher.


Do I need to warm up cat food? Although cats can eat cold food, it’s recommended to warm up their meals for good health and better flavors. Keeping your cat nourished and happy is critical because they rely on you for all of their food. 

You might ensure that the food you feed your cat is at the proper temperature.

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Robert Taylor

I love cats, I have more than 10 years of experience in raising cats. I want to share with everyone useful knowledge about cats.

Robert Taylor