What Do Cats Taste Like? The Exact Answer





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Robert Taylor

Like dog meat, cat meat has been part of culinary traditions worldwide. It remains a favoured choice in specific regions, including Peru, Switzerland, and China. 

In Hanoi, numerous restaurants continue to offer cat dishes, leading to a scarcity of cats roaming the streets as pet owners take precautions to protect their feline companions from potential theft.

Advocates argue that cat meat surpasses other animal meats in its sweeter and more delicate flavour. To gain a comprehensive understanding of “What do cats taste like?”, it’s recommended to read the entire article for further details.

What Do Cats Taste Like?

The cat meat had a distinctly different taste than chicken, with a vibrant red colour instead of the deep black hue associated with dog meat. It had a subtle pork-like flavour but was riddled with small, transparent fish-like bones, leaving a faint sour aftertaste.

How is cats taste like
How is cats taste like

When consuming the meat, the boneless chunks were much easier to handle than the ones with numerous bones. Surprisingly, the cat intestines were delicate and surprisingly delicious, making them some of the most enjoyable parts of the meal.

The cat hot pot was decent but it wasn’t the best meat I’ve ever tasted.

Cat meat refers to the meat of domestic cats processed for human consumption. In some countries, cat meat is a regular part of their diet, while in others, it has only been consumed in times of extreme need, such as during wartime or famine.

In 2016, cat meat became available in certain areas of Chennai, with the Narikuravar group being the primary consumers. During the same year, reports emerged online that some Narikuravars in Bengaluru were hunting wild and stray cats for meat.

The perception of cat meat as a food source varies greatly across different regions of the world. While some countries, like the United States, have turned to cat meat as a last resort during times of crisis, others believe that consuming it brings good luck or health and have traditional methods of preparing for it.

What is the Appearance of Cooked Cat Meat?

Cooked cat meat resembles the appearance of cooked meat from other animals. However, its distinctiveness lies in its unique taste compared to other meats.

The sense of smell is crucial in attracting cats and humans to food and influencing taste perception. Cats possess a highly sensitive sense of smell, several times more acute than ours. This heightened olfactory sense is believed to enhance their ability to discern various aromas greatly.

Cats share a similar sense of smell with humans, but they also have an additional sensory organ known as Jacobson’s organ, located on the roof of their mouths. This organ forms a connection between the mouth and the nasal passage.

Many animals, including cats, dogs, mice, horses, elephants, goats, cattle, pigs, reptiles, snakes, and certain primates, are believed to utilise this organ for a process often called “taste-smelling.” 

To accomplish this, they rub their tongues against the roof of their mouths, slightly curl their lips, and inhale odours onto their tongues.

The combined action of the mouth, nose, and Jacobson’s organ allows these animals to perceive the essence of flavour and fragrance in a way humans cannot replicate.

While human taste buds can detect sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and savoury (umami) flavors, cats possess taste buds similar to ours, albeit with less sensitivity to sweetness.

How to Prepare, Cook, and Present Cat Meat

If you’re curious about incorporating cat meat into your culinary exploration and trying out unique dishes, there are various methods you can use to prepare your catch:

Tips to prepare cat meat
Tips to prepare cat meat

Preparation Methods

Traditional cat meat preparation methods involve stir-frying it with ingredients like ginger and garlic or grilling it with salt and pepper seasoning to reduce gamey flavours.

Another popular approach is using cat meat in stews or casseroles, often incorporating ingredients like shrimp paste, soy sauce, or coconut milk to enhance flavour.

Traditional and Modern Recipes

One well-known traditional dish featuring cat meat is the Hunan-style spicy fried cat, which involves deep-frying the meat and seasoning it with cumin powder and chilli peppers.

In regions like Thailand, Cat Curry is served with Tamarind paste sauce, a dish commonly found on many restaurant menus.

Ideal Combinations with Other Ingredients

When serving Asian dishes with cat meat, it’s common to pair them with vegetable sides like mushrooms and bamboo shoots, served alongside fragrant jasmine rice.

Tips To Get The Cat Meat Better

If you’re interested in preparing and serving cat meat but lack confidence in your meat cooking abilities, here are five quick tips to ensure that the dish is flavorful:

  • Enhance the meat’s flavour by marinating it in vinegar or wine before cooking.
  • Add spices like cumin powder, ginger, and garlic paste to elevate the taste.
  • If you need more clarification about the taste, consider blending it with other meats, such as pork or beef in a stir-fry to make the cat meat less prominent.
  • Achieve smoky barbecue-like flavours by cooking at high temperatures over fire or charcoal.
  • Balance out the unique gamey flavor and aid digestion by pairing it with an acidic sauce, such as tamarind paste sauce, which adds depth to your dish and promotes gut health.

Comparative Taste Evaluation: Cat Meat Vs Others

Cat Meat Versus Chicken

In contrast to chicken meat, cat meat is described as having a more pronounced and robust flavor. It also possesses a slightly firmer texture and a hint of sweetness in taste. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that cat meat is not a typical dietary choice in Western countries, making it challenging to draw a direct comparison with chicken.

Cat Meat Versus Pork

Comparatively, cat meat exhibits a gamier flavour when juxtaposed with pork. Its texture is also marginally tougher, and it carries a subtle sweetness in taste. Nonetheless, it’s essential to recognise that cat meat is not commonly consumed in Western nations.

Cat Meat Versus Turkey

Compared to turkey, cat meat is reputed for its stronger and more gamey flavor profile. Its texture is also slightly more robust and carries a subtle salty note in taste. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that cat meat is not a prevalent choice in Western cuisine, making it complex to assess against turkey directly.

Cat Meat Versus Rabbit

When pitted against rabbits, cat meat is reputed for its more intense and gamey flavour profile. Additionally, it tends to be slightly tougher in texture and has a faintly sour taste. However, it’s important to emphasise that cat meat is an unusual choice in Western cuisine, making it problematic to liken it to rabbit.

Cat Meat Versus Dog Meat

Cat meat is known for its milder and less gamey flavour than dog meat. It also boasts a sweeter taste and a softer texture. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that cat meat is not a common dietary option in Western cultures, rendering direct comparisons with dog meat challenging.


How does the flavour of cat meat compare to that of other meats?

Cat meat is not commonly eaten, making drawing direct taste comparisons with more widely consumed meats challenging. Nevertheless, individuals who have sampled it often liken its taste to other game meats, such as rabbit or squirrel.

What cultural significance does cat meat hold in various countries?

Cat meat holds cultural significance in certain countries like China and Vietnam, where it has been a traditional delicacy for centuries. However, in numerous other nations, including the United States and much of Europe, cat meat consumption is considered socially unacceptable and even illegal.

Is it permissible to consume cat meat in any part of the world?

The legality of cat meat consumption varies from one country to another. In some regions where it is prohibited, cultural or ethical reservations may still be associated with its consumption.

What potential health hazards are associated with eating cat meat?

The consumption of cat meat carries potential health risks, including the possible transmission of diseases from cats to humans. Additionally, some cats may have been exposed to toxins or other harmful substances that could pose health risks to humans if consumed.


We covered the question, what do cats taste like? Exploring diverse global cultures through their culinary traditions introduces us to a fascinating array of experiences, no matter how unfamiliar they may appear initially. 

One such example is the consumption of cat meat. While it might be considered an unconventional choice compared to more common protein sources widely accepted today, it’s evident that a thriving industry is solely dedicated to preparing cat meat for human consumption.

For adventurous eaters, sampling cat meat could be an intriguing means to expand their palate and approach animal consumption from a unique perspective. Just envision finding yourself served this delicacy while exploring remote regions with limited access to conventional food sources during your travels!

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Robert Taylor

I love cats, I have more than 10 years of experience in raising cats. I want to share with everyone useful knowledge about cats.

Robert Taylor