Can a Fox Breed with a Cat? Scientific Facts





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Robert Taylor

In the intriguing realm of interspecies interactions, one question piques curiosity: Can a fox breed with a cat? While domestic cats and foxes often share habitats and may seem somewhat similar in appearance, they belong to distinct evolutionary lineages.

In this exploration, Catwellness delve into scientific research to uncover whether these two creatures can produce viable offspring, shedding light on the fascinating possibilities at the intersection of different species.

Can a Fox Breed with a Cat?

Fox can not breed with the cat
Fox can not breed with the cat

The short answer is no! In scientific terms, cats and foxes can’t reproduce together because they have differing chromosome counts. Chromosomes are structures inside cells that carry genetic information, with each chromosome housing various genes responsible for traits like height, fur colour, and ear shape.

To have viable offspring, two species must share a compatible chromosome count. Cats generally possess 38 pairs of chromosomes, while foxes can have anywhere from 34 to 78 chromosomes.

Is it Possible for a Cat to be Part of a Fox?

No, a cat can’t be a half-fox. Genetically, cats are much more closely related to other cats than foxes, making it biologically impossible for a cat to have fox ancestry.

However, some domestic cat breeds have been selectively bred over generations to have features resembling foxes, such as coat colour and facial characteristics. Nonetheless, these cats are still entirely domesticated and not a hybrid species.

Why Does My Kitten Resemble a Fox?

Why is the cat similar the fox
Why is the cat similar the fox

When you first encounter a kitten, it’s nearly impossible not to be captivated by its adorable and endearing appearance. Yet, have you ever observed that certain kittens bear a striking resemblance to other creatures, such as foxes?

One explanation for this similarity is that kittens have elongated, pointed ears. These prominent ears serve a vital function, enabling them to hear their mother’s voice and navigate in low-light conditions. As they mature, their ear-to-body ratio diminishes, and their ears gradually lose their sharpness.

In addition, certain cat breeds have physical traits that resemble those of foxes. For instance, the Bengal cat, a domestic breed, was selectively bred to exhibit physical characteristics akin to those of a wild Asian leopard cat. Consequently, Bengal cats often feature fur patterns reminiscent of foxes.

Similarly, the Somali cat carries a recessive gene responsible for long hair, and when combined with its lengthy ears, it acquires a distinctly fox-like appearance. To delve further into this, you can learn more here: Somali Cat: The Feline Resembling a Fox.

Therefore, if your kittens belong to the Bengal or Somali breeds, they might bear a striking resemblance to diminutive foxes.

Are Foxes More Similar to Cats or Dogs?

Foxes belong to the Canidae family, encompassing dogs, wolves, and jackals. However, foxes are categorised as vulpines, a subset comprising small canids with pointed snouts and bushy tails.

When it comes to size, foxes align more closely with cats than with dogs. Furthermore, they share certain behavioural traits with cats, such as their ability to scale trees and their inclination toward independence from human interaction.

Due to these factors, some individuals view foxes as having more in common with cats than dogs. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that cats belong to the Felidae family, which includes lions, tigers, and leopards.

Does a Creature Known as a Fox-Cat Exist?

No, there is no actual creature known as a fox-cat. As mentioned, cats and foxes cannot produce viable offspring due to their differing chromosome numbers. Therefore, a true fox-cat hybrid does not exist, and the term is often informally used to describe unsuccessful attempts at interbreeding between cats and foxes.

Recently, a new wild cat breed has been discovered on the French island of Corsica, often called the “cat fox.” This small and elusive creature bears a resemblance to both cats and foxes, but it is not a true hybrid; it is a distinct wild cat breed.


What animal can breed with a fox?

Foxes can interbreed with other Canidae family animals, including domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). The resulting offspring are “foxdogs” or “domesticated foxes.” However, this interbreeding occurs under controlled conditions in scientific studies or domestication experiments.

Can a fox interbreed with any other animal?

Foxes are more closely related to other members of the Canidae family and are not known to naturally interbreed with animals outside of this family in the wild. Crossbreeding between foxes and non-canid species is not a common occurrence.

Can cats breed with other animals?

Cats can interbreed with other members of the Felidae family, but this usually occurs within their genus. For example, domestic cats (Felis catus) can interbreed with other species within the Felis genus, such as the wildcat (Felis silvestris). These hybrid offspring are often called “wildcat hybrids” or “domestic wildcat hybrids.”

What species can cats breed with?

Domestic cats (Felis catus) are most likely to interbreed with other species within the Felis genus, such as the wildcat (Felis silvestris). These hybridisations are more common when domestic cats mate with wildcats in areas where their ranges overlap.

It’s important to note that interbreeding between domestic cats and other non-feline species is extremely rare in the wild.


In conclusion, a fox cannot breed with a cat because they are not of the same species and do not have the same number of chromosomes. 

However, for pet parents who wish to have a cat resembling a fox, there may be other options to explore, such as selecting cat breeds with physical characteristics reminiscent of foxes or adopting a domesticated fox-like cat breed.

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Robert Taylor

I love cats, I have more than 10 years of experience in raising cats. I want to share with everyone useful knowledge about cats.

Robert Taylor