Can Cats Eat Applesauce? Detailed Answers





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Robert Taylor

Many people believe that applesauce is one of the safest foods, but can cats eat applesauce? And how much should it be? 

In brief, offering cats a small portion of applesauce is generally safe, but there are important factors to weigh and questions to address. Applesauce comes in various types, and some additives and flavourings may not be advantageous for cats.

About Applesauce

Applesauce, as defined, consists of nothing more than crushed apples. The apples are peeled and finely mashed until they reach a nearly liquid texture. Additional components such as preservatives, sugar, and flavour enhancers like cinnamon are frequently blended with these apples.

What is applesauce?
What is applesauce?

Like any processed food, various brands employ different ingredient lists, some incorporating multiple components and others opting for minimal ingredients to create a healthier product. Fewer ingredients are preferable to reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

Can Cats Eat Applesauce?

While applesauce might appear innocuous, store-bought varieties can contain chemicals and preservatives that aren’t present in whole apples. Conversely, if you’re preparing homemade applesauce and your cat happens to taste a bit, there shouldn’t be any adverse effects, as cats find pureed foods easier to digest.

What’s an Excessive Amount?

If your cat occasionally nibbles on an apple, there’s no need to worry, as apples are not harmful to cats. However, if apples become a regular part of your cat’s diet, it could lead to obesity and diabetes symptoms.

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While apples can benefit humans with diabetes, cats metabolise fruit sugar differently, and consistently elevating their blood sugar levels can result in various long-term health problems.

One significant concern is feline diabetes, which can manifest in increased thirst, frequent urination, reduced appetite, difficulty jumping, and vomiting.

Even if you’re not intentionally giving your cat sugary treats, it’s crucial to contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice these symptoms, as they could be early indicators of diabetes.

If you’re concerned about your cat’s sugar intake, you should check the labels on the food products you purchase. Some cat treats may contain excessive amounts of sugar and carbohydrates.

Is Applesauce Safe for My Cat?

Feeding your cat all-natural applesauce without preservatives is not harmful. The ASPCA considers apples toxic due to their leaves, twigs, and seeds, which contain cyanide and can be poisonous to cats.

Applesauce is safe for my cat
Applesauce is safe for my cat

This toxicity also extends to inedible apples like crab apples. However, raw red apple is safe and provides a good amount of fibre, which can aid in digestion or alleviate constipation if given in moderation once or twice a week. Excessive fibre, though, may lead to digestive discomfort.

Cinnamon, a common ingredient in applesauce, is safe for cats to consume. The main concern with applesauce is its sugar content and the presence of harmful chemicals or preservatives. Excessive sugar can lead to rapid obesity in cats, while preservatives can adversely affect your pet’s health.

Is Applesauce Beneficial for My Cat?

Although applesauce isn’t inherently harmful to cats, it’s not particularly beneficial. Cats are obligate carnivores and don’t require carbohydrates in their diet. However, they need a high protein intake, as per PetMD’s recommendations.

Considering your cat’s need for more protein, offering carbohydrates like applesauce is a missed opportunity. While applesauce may contain some vitamins and fibre, in most cases, a high-protein snack would be a more suitable choice for your feline friend.

How Frequently Should I Offer Apples and other Fruits to My Cat?

While fresh fruits benefit humans, they should only be an occasional treat for your cat if they enjoy them. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they primarily require nutrients from meat sources to fulfil their nutritional needs.

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Their digestive system is designed to process proteins and fats efficiently but needs to be equipped to handle raw or unprocessed carbohydrates. Cooked carbohydrates can provide valuable nutrients and energy, which is why they are included in many nutritious and well-balanced cat diets.

Nevertheless, unprocessed carbohydrates may pose digestion challenges and lead to gastrointestinal issues.

Potential Dangers of Giving Your Cat Applesauce

If you’re considering sharing a delectable pouch of applesauce with your beloved feline friend, there are a few important factors to bear in mind.

The dangers of applesauce for cat
The dangers of applesauce for cat

While apples themselves are not harmful to cats, the composition of applesauce can contain elements that may adversely affect your cat’s well-being over time.

High Sugar Content in Applesauce

Surprisingly, a 100-gram serving of applesauce contains roughly 15 grams of sugar. Cats are carnivores, necessitating a diet rich in protein. Their thriving depends on meat and animal-derived sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Fruits are not a necessary part of their diet, and their digestive systems are not optimised for breaking down carbohydrates. If your cat accidentally consumes excessive applesauce, it can lead to discomfort, increased thirst and urination, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Furthermore, including applesauce in your cat’s regular diet could result in severe health issues in the long run, including weight gain, dental problems, and diabetes, all stemming from excessive sugar consumption.

Additives and Preservatives in Applesauce

Most commercially available applesauce does not fall into the category of healthy cat food. While you may believe your cherished feline enjoys high-quality apple puree with all its nutritional benefits, the reality is quite different. Instead, she may be gaining unnecessary weight!

In addition to sugar, applesauce typically contains various additives and preservatives. These substances are added to alter the food’s properties, extending its shelf life, enhancing taste and appearance, and sometimes acting as nutritional supplements. 

In light of these considerations, can cats safely eat applesauce? The answer is no; you should only feed applesauce to your cat if you are certain it contains no additives or preservatives.

Toxic Components in Apple Leaves, Twigs, and Seeds

Although apples are not toxic to cats, introducing them into your cat’s diet requires extra caution. It is crucial to consult with your veterinarian before making significant dietary changes or decisions.

Surprisingly, apple leaves, twigs, and seeds contain cyanide – a potentially deadly chemical. In this context, pits and seeds from various fruits like apricots, apples, and peaches contain significant substances that can be metabolised into cyanide. 

So, while applesauce may seem harmless, it’s essential to know the potential dangers associated with certain parts of the apple tree.


Can cats eat applesauce with other fruits mixed in?

Cats should not be given applesauce mixed with other fruits. Cats have specific dietary requirements, and introducing unfamiliar foods may upset their digestive system.

What should I do if my cat accidentally eats a large amount of applesauce?

If your cat consumes a significant amount of applesauce, monitor them closely for any signs of discomfort or digestive issues. Consult your veterinarian if they develop vomiting, diarrhea, or other concerning symptoms.

Are there any alternatives to applesauce as a treat for cats?

There are many cat-friendly treats available that are specifically formulated to meet your cat’s nutritional needs. These treats are a better choice than applesauce or human food.

How can I serve applesauce to my cat?

If you decide to offer applesauce to your cat, make sure it’s plain and unsweetened. You can give them a tiny amount on a spoon or mix it with their regular cat food as an occasional treat.


In short, can cats eat applesauce? Cats can technically eat a small amount of unsweetened applesauce as an occasional treat, but it’s not a recommended part of their diet.

While applesauce isn’t toxic to cats, it contains natural sugars and may upset their stomach if consumed excessively.

It’s crucial to prioritise a balanced and species-appropriate diet for your feline friend and consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new foods to their diet to ensure their health and safety.

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Robert Taylor

I love cats, I have more than 10 years of experience in raising cats. I want to share with everyone useful knowledge about cats.

Robert Taylor