What Cat Food Ingredients Should I Avoid? Surprised Facts





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Robert Taylor

Many pet owners have questioned: What cat food ingredients should I avoid? Byproducts, preservatives, and dyes should be averted at all costs, yet the list is still extended, which will be thoroughly explained in the following sections.

Why Is It Important To Know What Is In Your Cat Food?

A delicious meal for your feline

This practice seems unnecessary to many people; however, it can greatly affect your kitten’s life. Suppose your cat is allergic to some ingredients in canned food; gaining information about them beforehand may protect your cat from some allergy symptoms. 

There are a variety of cat foods on the market nowadays, which are currently divided into description and regular food. Knowing their ingredients would lead you to a better choice. 

For instance, if your cat is having problems with its digestive system or encountering urinary tract issues, you should buy them urinary formula food to eradicate this disease and boost its overall health. 

Lacking knowledge about its ingredients might prevent you from buying the most suitable food for your kitten. In other words, educating yourself about the nutrition in your cat’s food is of paramount importance.

Related Post: What Cat Food Is Killing Cats? Choose Healthy Foods For Them

What Cat Food Ingredients Should I Avoid?

Below is a list of ingredients that you should take close notice of.

Meat Byproducts

According to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), meat byproducts stem from slaughtered mammals, including their body parts, such as hairs, hooves, or teeth, and non-rendered fat. 

These contents are legally restricted and are not allowed to be contained in the food, which has repercussions for the consumers’ health, particularly the immune system. Some people even regard meat byproducts as horribly unethical.

Preservatives And Dyes

  • BHA, or Butylated Hydroxyanisole, is a chemical substance added to the oil or fat in pet foods. It is commonly known as a powerful carcinogen, putting your cats’ well-being at risk.
  • BHT, or Butylated Hydroxytoluene, is found in the edible fat and oil of many cat food types. It is also a compound contributing to the formation of cancer cells.
  • Ethoxyquin is a preservative banned in human dishes, yet its use is legally approved in numerous pet foods. This is a primary agent, responsible for autoimmune disorders and reproductive hindrances in animals.  
  • Caramel coloring is a dye, usually added to create appetizing colors for your pet food. However, most caramel coloring substances contain 4-methylimidazole, one of the common carcinogens. 
  • Glyceryl Monostearate is an additive combining different substances to form a smooth mixture. It is widely used in cheap foods and renders toxicity to pets’ organs. 
  • Propylene Glycol is another additive helping kill bacteria and prevent canned food from going bad too quickly. However, it is strictly banned by the FDA due to its side effects. It will cause abnormalities in the red blood cells of cats in the long run.

Various canned foods for cats

Carbohydrate Fillers

Carbohydrate fillers are harmful to your felines. They might contain an excess of grains, wreaking havoc on some cats that are catching diabetes. 

Melanin is also a warning substance included in carbohydrate fillers. When it goes into the feline’s body, it will interact with the cyanuric acid fluid, inducing stomach failure and kidney stones.

Related Post: What Should Cats Eat Daily? – The Best Answer

Frequently Asked Questions

What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?

Felines can chow down on meats, like beef, turkey, or lamb, yet they must be cooked instead of being raw. You also need to remove all bones and skin before serving dishes to your cats. 

Besides, your kittens love eating cooked fish, which contains a high level of Omega-3 acids beneficial for their general health. Eggs and whole grains, such as corn or brown rice, are also on this edible list. By contrast, grain-free products are not favored sometimes.

What Ingredients In Cat Food Are Cats Most Allergic To?

Cats usually develop allergies when they consume beef, seafood, or dairy products. Some common symptoms that you can easily notice: 

  • Severe itching around their necks, ears, or head
  • Hair loss
  • Open sores
  • Hot spots
  • Scabbing

What Are Cat Food Ingredients Recommended By Vets?

The balance of nutrients, including proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins, is strongly recommended in every dish. 

Given senior felines, a served dish should be lower in calories because they are less active than younger ones. You can look for phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D as alternatives.

A cat should be fed properly for its growth

The Bottom Line

Our article has provided comprehensive insights into the question: What cat food ingredients should I avoid? 

We also give further information about several ingredients recommended by veterinary specialists. Hopefully, these details will offer you a helping hand.  

Thanks for your genuine support of our website. Have a nice day!

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Robert Taylor

I love cats, I have more than 10 years of experience in raising cats. I want to share with everyone useful knowledge about cats.

Robert Taylor